So I’m working on my visualisation of the cubic mile of oil. As I did not update it till now what is the cubic mile of oil or cubic kilometer of oil, the CMO\CKO is a unit of energy(thermal energy released during its combustion) was created by Hew Crane of SRI International to aid in public understanding of global-scale energy consumption and resources. So with the help of this unit and the sources from mister Hew Crane I manage to visualise a better the understansing of the amount of oil and other resources we use.
Beside the books and reports research I have a great update, the last weeks I came over a blog from a girl from University of Minnesota- Minneapolis.Molly Eagen is curently Research Assistant at Center for Sustainable Building Research in U.S.
Her thesis paper is called “100 days without oil” ( ). She lived 100 days without oil for a better understanting of our society dependence on petroleum. I took contact with her and she was very excited of my project. She agreed that I could use her data she collect during the 100 days. She is planing to publish her book soon, and she could use my visualzation. Would be co cool!!